The beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse in 2030?

12. 06. 2022 Sunday / By: Robert Denes / Generic / Exact time: BST / Print this page

The development of 5G has begun its world-conquering journey primarily due to space exploration. The goal was to gain wireless, low-power, but high-capacity data. 5G's mission was to bring the wireless network to industrial applications ahead of its predecessors. The average consumer is experiencing the emergence of new mobile devices the most, which is much more fortunate for 5G than for 3G and 4G. This is probably due to the fact that society already has a much better understanding of the importance and usability of construction. Furthermore, its recovery was facilitated by the pandemic, where teleworking and moving into online space intensified.

The 6G World Symposium was recently held, where Andreas Müller, President of the 5G United Industry and Automation Association, Head of Communication and Network Technology at Bosch's Enterprise Research Center, assessed the current state of 5G and reported on the development phase of the next-generation model.

In his opinion, there is no problem with the willingness or openness to incorporate 5G. There is a strong demand among plant owners for the installation of new technologies, but the ecosystem required for this is not yet strong enough. Adapting to how they work is nowhere near as easy as buying an upgraded handset. Typically, managers expect the different innovation cycles to coincide and then implement a more secure, longer-term infrastructure development in their operations. Although Müller stressed that it is necessary to shop from new markets before they start the standardization process.

Maria Cuevas, senior manager for mobility research at British Telecom (BT), said at a forum on 6G network plans that the cost-effectiveness of wireless providers is questionable. Deployment has cost a lot due to geopolitical concerns stemming from the recent switch from Chinese suppliers. Operators such as BT could make another major change to the infrastructure before the return on the previous generation’s investment is completed, but this would be unnecessary at the moment.

Many of you have read for sure that 6G is the sixth generation standard in telecommunications that is currently being developed for wireless communication technologies that support mobile data networks. This is the planned successor to the 5G, and is likely to be significantly faster, multiples of the current 5G network speed.

6G is a technology that can break down the boundaries between the physical and the digital space, with which one of the defining network trends of the future could be the emergence of the Internet of the senses, taking remote communication to a whole new level. All of this can rearrange our lives in the Internet of the Senses, which will offer unprecedented services based on digital sensory experience. The new networked technologies will be able to interact with all five human senses on an ordinary level and can also stimulate taste, smell and touch.

The birth of the Internet of the senses is made possible by artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), 6G networking and automation, and is spreading through immersive entertainment, online shopping or even the climate crisis. minimizing environmental impacts will help. You don't even need a touch screen to use a smartphone, because with implanted chips or electronic tattoos on human skin, we'll just have to think about where we want to go, and the route plan and location will appear in front of us. With different devices, we may be able to create a digital sound bubble around us that eliminates ambient noise or manipulates tastes, and anyone can transmit and share them in a message over digital channels. We will be able to make a virtual visit anywhere outdoors by sucking in the natural scent of the places or even blowing digital perfume to make it felt in others in virtual reality.

Touch also plays a big role in the new everyday life. A bracelet or bangle can stimulate your nerves by making you feel you have touched an apparent object. Practically, physical reality and the digital space are intertwined, the world of VR games is completely merging into everyday life, and holographic 3D displays are spreading for even more realistic communication. 6G networks are expected to be even more heterogeneous than their predecessors and are likely to support applications beyond current mobile usage scenarios, such as virtual and augmented reality (VR / AR), ubiquitous instant messaging, pervasive intelligence.... In January 2022, Purple Mountain Laboratories of China claimed that its research team had set a world record for the first time with a data rate of 206.25 gigabit / s (Gbit / s) in a laboratory environment within the terahertz frequency band, which is said to be the basis of 6G cellular technology.

However, terahertz radiation (0.3-3 THz) and millimeter waves (30-300 GHz) are much more sensitive to obstacles than the microwave frequencies used in 5G and Wi-Fi (approx. 2-30 GHz). ), which are more sensitive than the radio waves used in 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G. In February 2022, Chinese researchers claim to have achieved record streaming speeds using vortex millimeter waves, which are extremely high-frequency radio waves with rapidly changing rotations. The researchers transmitted 1 terabyte of data over a distance of 1 km (3,300 feet) in one second.

The rotational potential of radio waves was first reported by British physicist John Henry Poynting in 1909, but its use proved difficult. Zhang and colleagues said their breakthrough was based on the hard work of many research teams around the world over the past few decades. European researchers conducted the earliest communication experiments in the 1990s using eddy waves. It is a great challenge that the size of the rotating waves increases with distance, and the weakening signal makes high-speed data transmission difficult. The Chinese team has built a unique transmitter to generate a more focused vortex so the waves rotate in three different modes to carry more information, and they have developed a high-performance receiver that can record and decode huge amounts of data. second.

On November 6, 2020, China successfully launched an experimental test satellite with candidates for 6G technology, as well as 12 other satellites using a Long March 6 launch vehicle. According to the Global Times, the satellite aims to "test terahertz (THz) communications technology in space."

Recent scientific articles discuss the concept of 6G and any new features that may be incorporated. Artificial intelligence is included in many of these predictions, from the AI ​​infrastructure that supports 6G to “AI design and optimization of 6G architectures, protocols, and operations”. Another study by Nature Electronics aims to provide a framework for 6G research, which states that “We recommend that people-centered mobile communications will continue to be the most important application for 6G, and that the 6G network should be people-centric. they must be key elements of 6G and the wireless research community must pay special attention to them."

The question of what frequencies the 6G will operate at is still a matter of interpretation. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers states that "Frequencies from 100 GHz to 3 THz are promising bands for the next generation of wireless communication systems due to the broad spectrum of untapped and unexplored spectrum." One of the biggest challenges in supporting the required high transfer rates will be to limit the energy / energy consumption and associated heat generation in electronic circuits to an acceptable ratio.

“In the network of the future, every physical object will have some sort of digital projection, be it a human, an intelligent machine or the environment itself, and the physical world will be largely programmable and automated. Each digital entity will perform individual or collective data management and processing, and the decisions and predictions made based on the resulting data will affect the operation of the physical world, ”the expert said in a statement from Ericsson.

Cancer, autism, global human experimentation, bird and uterine death that can reach everyone in awe of the new 5 and 6G mobile network.

Why 5G? Do you need brain cancer? At the debut of the 5G, the birds flocked from the trees in groups. Are you sure the world is going in the right direction? This is it! Cancer everyone, live in the microwave. If a mobile company posts on Facebook about the latest developments in 5G today, you can be prepared to receive comments similar to the above in nine out of ten cases. Over the past year, some people have begun to seriously fear that the latest mobile network is causing cancer, infertility, autism, insomnia and more.

According to the scientific consensus, bee mortality is caused by the loss of habitats and biodiversity, climate change, agricultural monocultures and pesticides, and tests and frequency bids are still going smoothly in our world. The truth is that there are many people protesting against 5G across Europe. Concerned NGOs in Brussels and Geneva have also fought to suspend the tests. The same thing happened in dozens of California cities. The New York Times pointed out that American fears of a Russian state-backed RT America are also playing on American fears, giving protesters a lot of publicity and talking about a “global human experiment,” a “5G apocalypse.” Meanwhile, of course, Russia is also in the process of building the network back home.

aul Hart, executive vice president and general manager of radio frequency power supply components for NXP Semiconductors, said: “The 6G is truly about ubiquitous connectivity. 5G was driven by metrics. 6G needs to be purposeful. This dedicated network must become sustainable: it must not increase energy consumption.”

Hart pointed out that the upgraded 5G network consumes roughly twice as much power as its predecessor. The only way to achieve this is to make big changes in power management, which would mean recoding packets and bits, which would be a huge upgrade on base stations. Another problem is that the bits are already too long to travel. He believes that a sustainable approach is essential to building 6G, the planet cannot see the harm in technological advancement.

The 5G evolution and the 6G revolution overlap in network management. 6G can be a tool for spreading machine learning across the entire network system. Cloud servers are expected to monitor data flow to develop better routes.

Fear of mobile technology is nothing new. The same circus took place with the spread of the first radiotelephones and then with the deployment of 2G, 3G and 4G (i.e. second, third and fourth generation) networks. It has been a recurring topos for 30 years now that a cell phone causes brain cancer and makes men infertile (especially if kept in a trouser pocket). Moreover, not only are mobiles harmful, but all electrical devices from power lines to microwaves. Searching for the word “electrosmog” we find many protectors, harmonizers and other “miracle cures”: these “protect” us from danger for a few tens of thousands of forints.

Because electrical devices now surround us from all directions, many project their existing health or mental concerns into them. Sometimes not without reason: if we use computers all day, we really feel better when we turn it off. Random? Well, by no means does it have anything to do with electrosmog - much more to posture, lack of movement, or eye strain. (Science calls this the "nocebo" effect.)

Before we get into the dangers of 5G, let’s see if electromagnetic radiation has a detrimental effect on health in general. Because the word radiation is in it, and Chernobyl comes to mind about radiation, many are frightened by it — especially if the memory of the physics lessons is already worn out in their heads. Let us recall for your own sake: electromagnetic radiation can be of many kinds. He was killed in Chernobyl, but so is the light. An energy wave composed of photons propagating at the speed of light. What makes them different is that they have different wavelengths, frequencies, and transmitted energy. Radio waves are among the longest, lowest frequency electromagnetic waves. The X-rays and gamma rays that kill in Chernobyl are at the other end of the spectrum.

Electromagnetic radiation from a frequency of roughly one million gigahertz upwards will be harmful. These very short waves, coming billions of times per second, have the ability to tear electrons out of the electron shell of atoms, which is why they are called ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation can break down chemical bonds and cause damage to a DNA molecule, so it can also cause cancer. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which is also present in the sun, is already in this range, and it is no coincidence that many tens of thousands get skin cancer each year due to sun exposure. (So ​​there really is a device that emits an electromagnetic wave that causes cancer. It's called a tanning bed.) X-rays and gamma radiation are also ionizing, quite roughly.

The effects of non-ionizing radiation on the body have been researched for decades, but mainly since the spread of mobile phones. The only effect whose existence is surrounded by scientific consensus is that it warms.

To protect people from this, the authorities are writing limits on the amount of energy that can be transferred to their gadgets that are placed on the market. The unit of measurement for this is the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), which is recommended by all manufacturers at some point - although there may be a few people who choose a phone based on this. The SAR limit for mobile phones in the EU is 2 watts / kg. This is roughly one-fiftieth of what it would take to heat 1 kilogram of tissue to 1 degree and it is negligible. There is one type of non-ionizing radiation that can be dangerous (at least inside a narrow metal box): the 2.45 gigahertz microwave. This is exactly the wavelength that the water molecule likes to absorb, and much of our body is water. For our food, too, that's why microwaves operate on this frequency - and the user is protected by a thick door.

Of course, it is always conceivable that there is some mechanism that is not yet known today through which radio waves affect our cells beyond heating. It is conceivable, but of the tens of thousands of researches in the last 30 years, there have been only a small number that suggested this - it is far from enough to consider the relationship to be proven according to scientific methodology. This is also the scientific consensus and the official position of the World Health Organization (WHO): there is no evidence that mobile use (including 5G) or other electromagnetic radiation causes brain cancer or any other disease. In fact, there is some research to the contrary, so the cautious WHO in 2011 included radio frequency electromagnetic radiation in the list of “potentially” carcinogens. Along with things like aloe vera extract, pickles and carpentry.

None of the studies suggesting a link between radio waves and brain cancer are on solid feet. There is no random duplicate study among them (it would be difficult to form a control group of subjects who agree not to use a cell phone for years). Among them, there are only self-report-based case-control studies, which often require recalling mobile usage patterns 5 to 10 years previously. Animal experiments are no more reliable. A ten-year U.S. study irradiated mice and rats for two hours with radio waves three times the human limit for 18 hours a day and found that male rats had a minimal increase in the likelihood of brain tumor. But not in mice. However, the rats survived, and it cannot be ruled out that this is due to more cancer cases - or statistical chance.

But 5G is a completely different dough than the radio waves studied so far, skeptics say. After all, while previous networks have operated between 1.9 and 2.5 GHz, 5G can in principle broadcast in the 300 GHz frequency range, which is a huge leap. It depends on what it is - ionizing radiation only starts at around one million GHz, from which the 300 is still a long way off. In addition, 300 GHz is only a theoretical maximum. 5G will initially operate at a much lower frequency: in the EU.

So the 5 and 6G are as good as they are? Can the beautiful new Zombie world come? Zombie apocalypse is a genre of fiction in which civilization collapses because of huge zombie hordes. Usually, only a few individuals or small groups of survivors survive. The genre’s early inspiring work was Richard Matheson’s novel I Am Legend (1954), which features a lone survivor, Robert Neville, who wars war against a population transformed into vampires. The novel has been processed in several screenplays, including The Last Man on Earth (1964) starring Vincent Price and Omega Man (1971) starring Charlton Heston. In the 2007 film version of "I Am Legend," Will Smith was the main character in a more contemporary setting.





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