5G and sustainable growth

19. 10. 2020 Monday / By: Robert Denes / Generic / Exact time: BST / Print this page

An important part of tackling the climate crisis will be to decouple greenhouse gas emissions from GDP growth. The digital technological revolution is helping to reduce the environmental impact of modern life, bringing us closer to a zero-emission digital society so we can live richer, happier and more sustainable lives. Finland has ambitious environmental goals for a zero-emission digital society. The experience of the country shows what is possible everywhere. You can also read this article about the sustainability of climate change, the effects of the greenhouse and the resulting potential for GDP growth. But what has this got to do with Nokia?

2020 is a year that cannot be easily forgotten. However, in the midst of the current health crisis, there is a danger that we will lose momentum in tackling an even bigger threat - climate change.

Statistics show that economic growth and increased greenhouse gas emissions go hand in hand. For every 1% increase in global gross domestic product (GDP), greenhouse gas emissions increased by about 0.5% and resource use by 0.4% (source: Digital Europe). An important part of tackling the climate crisis will be to decouple greenhouse gas emissions from GDP growth.

The digital technological revolution is helping to reduce the environmental impact of modern life, bringing us closer to a zero-emission digital society so we can live richer, happier and more sustainable lives. This year, for example, many organizations have been forced to adopt new ways of working. Their successes have brought visible improvements in the environment and reduced...read more

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